Lismore Road is proud to support Primal Fear, currently in production.


This documentary is about the aftermath of October 7, 2023, and how American Jewry reacted amidst both the silence and the overt blame of Israel and Jews. It’s a film that will examine the explosion of antisemitism online, on college campuses and in the streets of the world. It will unpack how we got here from the spread of misinformation, false narratives and lies and it will look at what needs to be done moving forward.

The film will also go back in time to understand how the Palestinian narrative of fighting the oppressors and colonization crystallized on college campuses over the past 30 years, finding allies among “progressive,” intersectional organizations. It will dig into the root of the issues on campus and why administrators are largely silent.

It will explain why language like “From the River to the Sea” is deeply problematic and foundationally antisemitic. It will also discuss the history of “Zionism is racism” and understanding how these slogans became a call to action for student activists.

The film will also examine the American media bias against Israel and unpack its seeming tolerance for antisemitism. The film will center on three main areas: inherent media bias, social media misinformation (TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, Facebook) and college campuses as the ground zero for cultivating and spreading antisemitism.


“The film underscores what’s at stake. As history shows, an increase in antisemitism signals a decline in society’s strength. This isn’t just about the Jews. It’s about Western civilization, where truth, democracy, and a free society are all under attack.”